Story Behind Diana Michira, Eldoret Model Crowned Mrs Universe Kenya 2021

25-Years-Old model from Eldoret made headlines in kenya after she was crowned Mrs. Universe Kenya 2021 at the prestigious 'Mrs. Universe Kenya' pageant which was held on December 13 at The Kenya National Theater in Nairobi 

Eldoret Model, Mrs Universe Kenya 2021,Fashion Pageant
Mrs Universe kenya 2021 Winner Diana Michira in Creative wear

Last Year's Mrs. Universe Kenya pageant had a judging panel made up of four fashion experts, including Franchise holder- Mrs Universee Kenya Chapter Tinah Lughama, Mrs Universe Kenya Winner 2018 Immaculate Onyoni, model and dancer Collins Brian and CEO little Miss Universe Uganda Talent and Model Coach Nalinya Phiona. 

And from this strong panel of judges, the newly crowned Queen Diana Muchiri's year-long reign as Mrs. Universe Kenya 2021 began.

Mrs universe kenya 2021 pageant official poster.
The Mrs Universe Kenya pageant, themed 'Against Gender based Violence organizers as part of their campaign visited the Rebirth of Queen Shelters where they donated Food Staffs, School books, clothes, Sanitary towels among other Items.

Ladies Fashion Eldoret
Diana Michira 
From her strong take against GBV ,Diana Michira's win in this contest was inevitable.
It's common and wide spread problem starting on the basis of gender and sex that result to physical , sexual and psychological torture. GBV can be stopped if we  educate everyone from the young to the eldest, make them understand there worth and rights and equality spread love amongst each other.
The Nairobi-born model first moved to Eldoret in the Year 2001 where she got to attend her Primary Education at Sosiani Primary School,before Joining Kerotet Girls High School in Ziwa. It was at this school where she first developed a passion for Modeling-Winning her first title as Miss Kerotet in 2013 and 2015.

Later on she joined The Jaramogi University in Jaramogi, Bondo.
Creative wear
Diana Michira Talent Presentation.

She got pregnant while in campus, and as she narrates it, getting pregnant in Campus was her biggest Set back as a model.

"I was scared and did not know anyone in campus. My parents only came to know of my pregnancy after i gave birtt and this was through one of my  friends. At this point i had completed my finale exams.On the next semester,an opportunity was presented and i had to contest for Miss Jaramogi Title,that was in my second year,but here i did not win any Title. I also tried to contest for Miss Jaramogi on my 3rd year, but also lost. I did not give up, and on the 4th year i became Miss Jaramogi University, First Runners-Up." Diana Michira.

 "I believe that a prayerful woman is always a winner" Diana Michira

Diana Michira went ahead to explain
 that her life after campus took on a different course and it was during this tough times that one of her friend came across the "Mrs. Universe Kenya" Pageant poster, presented it to her and without hesitation she joined the contest, only to represent Uasin Gishu at the pageant.

Comparing the event's experience to Eldoret pageants, here is what the model had to say;

 'In Eldoret there are lots of opportunities and Events, but Eldoret event's organizer's are more focused on making money, selling tickets more than the course. Eldoret has talent, but full of misinformed event organizers'

Bornface Mwangi
Human Rights Activist Bornface Mwangi as the geust speaker at Mrs Universe kenya 2021

Among noteable kenya celebrity who addressed the event was guest Speaker and an Advocate Bornface Mwangi', who has always been on the forefront advocating for justice and equality for everyone and Emcee azu
Eldoret Fashion Event
Congratulations Diana Michiri

To the upcoming models, here was the New Mrs. Universe Kenya had to say; "Never give up, there are ups and downs and that should only make you stronger. You can be anything you want to be in this world. ' She added "I believe that a prayerful woman is always a winner. Finally, we women when we join hands we can stop any kind of violence. We are more powerful than we can imagine!."

Diana closing thoughts:

'You don't have to be have it all, for your voice to be Heard'

#Bethevoice" #ENDGenderBasedViolence 

Bornface O.Odhiambo

Creative writer,marketer,Brand ambassador, Visual artist

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