Here is how much 'NYAKO' is Earning from Tiktok


Popular Tiktoker Pilot 'Nyako' is in kenya.

How much 'NYAKO' is Earning on Tiktok?
How much 'NYAKO' is Earning on Tiktok

Nyako,real names Rose Atieno is a Kenyan German-based notorious TikToker who is popularly known for her vulgar and vocal personality. She is a mother of three and currently living in Germany with her Pilot husband and her son.

Tiktoker 'Nyako'

During an interview with Radio maisha host Mwende 'Nyako' talked mostly about her past life,  including how she ended up in Europe as a Househelp.

I was taken at the age of 23 as a program in Germany...there were agencies then that connected young girls to go to that time I was not that stable girl, I was confused, i did not know what i wanted... -Nyako

'Nyako' - which means a girl in the Luo dialect -is a name given to her by  'Kina Njeri' -her prostitutes friends, while she was still in kenya.

Pilot Nyako on Tiktok

How much is Nyako earning from Tiktok?

'I make around 7,000 Euros a month...' The Tiktok sensation from Bondo,kenya shocked many when she mentioned how much she was earning on the platform.

Tiktok is addictive, but the money is good...i make 7,000 EUR (Approximately 1million kenya shillings) a month. -Nyako

The trending Tiktoker, who has only been on the platform for 6 month is one to avoid at all costs if your plan or norm is to attack celebrities online. With her you have to trade carefully. She is notorious for picking fights with her Tiktok followers and users who try to go after her.

Watch full Interview below:

Bornface O.Odhiambo

Creative writer,marketer,Brand ambassador, Visual artist

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