About the annual "End Rape Culture" campaign in Eldoret

"Rape Culture" is the sexual Environment that allows Sexual Violence to be Normalized and Justified.
End Rape Culture Fashion Gala and Campaign

End Rape Culture and Fashion Gala
campaign is an annual event organized by Fabwil Care Foundation with an intention of creating awareness and advocating against rape culture while providing survivors of sexual violence with a platform where they can share their experience publicly.

What is 'Rape Culture'?

End Rape Culture Campaigns in the streets of Eldoret

"Rape Culture" is the sexual Environment that allows Sexual Violence to be Normalized and Justified.

How do we stop the Rape Culture?

The Rape Culture is protected with beliefs that makes it even harder for a rape victim to come forward and report their perpetrators. This victims live in fear believing that no one will even believe them, not forgetting the shame and the guilt. We can choose to create an environment where rape victims can freely tell their story without shame of being victimized and the perpetrators can be brought to justice and be prosecuted.
"It's exhausting to have these discussions and demand for justice year after year and nothing happens!! We men also need to challenge sexual violence & call it out and if you don't, then you're part of the problem! " Activist and Founder 'Fabwil Care Foundation' Nelson Kiptoo Biama

Come to think about it, so much of this abuse happens because we choose to let it happen. We chose to let our traditions and beliefs praise masculinity-We define manhood as dominant and sexually aggressive, while womanhood as submissive and sexually passive-which undeniably leads to more sexual assaults cases than any other root cause. 

Do men get Raped Too...?

Do men get raped too...?
Do men get raped too...?

Similarly, the gendered nature of rape should not be undermined. If men can rape women, women can also rape men.

The fashion Gala

Through the gala, different designers and models come to showcase their outfits and designs with an intend of educating and addressing the fact that how a victim dresses, their mental state , motives ,culture or religion should never justify Rape.

Photo: End Rape Culture 2022 Gala | Boma Inn Eldoret
Photo: End Rape Culture 2022 Gala | Boma Inn Eldoret

When is the Next Gala?

This year's event which marks the 5th edition of 'End Rape Fashion Gala will be happening on 8th of July at the Boma Inn Hotel, Eldoret. The Gala's main aim, like its previous campaigns ,is to raise awareness, to sensitize the community and put an end to the rape culture.
This year's event, which marks the 5th edition will be happening on 8th July at the Boma Inn Hotel in Eldoret

Just to add to the reasons why you should not miss to contribute to or be part of this Campaign, note all the proceedings from the event are directed to Fabwil Care Foundation - SGBV Survivors Group.

Join the Conversation online, Visit @FabwilCareFoundation on

Bornface O.Odhiambo

Creative writer,marketer,Brand ambassador, Visual artist

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